
WCM Pre-School is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.

  • Help, share and care for others
  • Help them develop positive self-esteem
  • Develop social skills, as well as communication skills for solving problems peaceably
  • Develop the ability to work and cooperate in small and large groups. Understand and respect the property of others
  •  Increase their capacity to think, reason, question, and experiment
  • Develop familiarity with numbers and mathematical reasoning skills
  • Develop awareness and appreciation of art, music, poems and books. Experience the artistic process
  • Increase participation in play, singing, creative experiences, rhythmic activities and dramatic play
  • Develop large and small muscle coordination, and activities designed to foster good habits of health and safety.

Ms. Vanessa Miranda


Ms. Angel Sabareza


Ms. Rose Ann Bucu